Tag: Site Updates (Page 2 of 3)

maybe I am, but it looks like I won’t be in China. Seems this site and its subversive mix of illustrations, paintings and photos is just too much for the chinese authorities.

Check if your site is censored in China @ greatfirewallofchina.net.
[first read about on the Gusset blog]

All links now dead. Sad times.

New Domain Name

yes, you read that right, not only can you click chrishathway.co.uk to visit this site, but now we’ve gone global! Well, actually I may well work in some kind of split as to featuring my currently outdated web design folio on the .com site, but until then…

100,000 miles…

well, now that the car has made it to the hundred thousand mile mark I guess its time for a site update. More specifically to add some more work to the shop. This is not just in preparation for the large garage bill that is probably impending due to the bilious clouds of smoke occasionally omitted from said car, (although this only ever happens in one geographic location, which is odd.) Anyway, Shop update online soon.

Also apologies if you’ve received any informative messages about rising stock prices, or offers of help with regards to the enlarging of your penis, showing this site as the origin. This is not the case. Honest. The contact form was hacked. I think its now all sorted out, that is all.

site update

welcome to the latest update of the site. As these things happen its taken a while to finish and so there have been few updates of late. Hopefully that will all change now.


The artwork in the gallery is in the process of being updated with better quality scans and photos and also theres sure to be a lot of missing and broken links. Please bear with me while I sort those out and if you find one you could help out by letting me know.

Seasonal update

now is the time to look in the back of the food cupboard for those old jars of mincemeat – you know, the vegetarian stuff with no preservatives.

Remove the lids at arms length, empty the contents into the bin and take the jars round to the bottle bank.

New project added

well some photos, New York City, August 2005. I may get some older photos scanned in at some point, time and webspace permitting…

click here to view.

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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative