Tag: S C Lee

November already? It’ll soon be Christmas…

No-one is more surprised than me to walk past the towns carpet shop and see the large poster in their window announcing boldly “6 CARPET FITTING WEEKS TILL XMAS”

But I’ve checked the calendar and they seem to be right so (Christmas commercialist tone switch warning) if you are stuck with that one gift for that one awkward person who seems to have everything how about a paperback copy of “Christmas Movies, Reviewed” from S C Lee. Its available in paperback from the UK and in the US and also as an ebook. The attentive ones amongst you may have recognised that name and may have guessed that yours truly did the cover for this, and you’d be right too.

Its not the kind of subject matter I generally tend to be asked to do, well apart from the odd Christmas card, oh and those festive cards for The Red Knob a few years back, so it was a pleasure to get to have a go at something like this and to have it turn out quite well.

Christmas Movies, Reviewed

As ever you can read more about the book on the S C Lee online website.

The Waiting Room

i‘ve spent a fair bit of time waiting in various doctors and hospital waiting rooms over the past six months so it was easy to get into the mood of this new cover illustration for S. C. Lees short story ‘The Waiting Room.’

The Waiting Room - Book cover Illustration

Find out more about the short story at the authors website* or buy the story direct from Amazon.

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The Edward Francis Blogs

apologies for the lack of recent noise on here, 2011 hasn’t been particularly kind in one way and another so far but it has brought a couple of rather nice illustration jobs. Firstly there is this recent book cover for S. C. Lee and his book Alana Rose: the Edward Francis Blogs. The author had a good idea of the overall composition required which made my job a little easier and it all turned out rather well.

Alana-Rose book cover illustration

The story goes something like this;

This year the geek shall inherit the Earth…literally. Edward Francis is an eighteen year old, part-time, video shop employee with far-fetched dreams of becoming a famous film director. He’s shy (especially around women) misunderstood and friendless, yep, the poor guy just can’t seem to get a break, whether he’s trying to meet his favourite actress Alana Rose (who he fantasises about dating) or attempting to get the local Goth girl to notice him. One thing’s for sure, it won’t be an easy ride for your new favourite blogger. Written in the first person in the form of an online journal, Alana Rose: the Edward Francis Blogs is the journey of a British teenager, growing up in a society that he’d rather forget.

Alana Rose: the Edward Francis Blogs for the Kindle
The book is currently available to buy for the Kindle at Amazon here.

All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative