Tag: Roadside (Page 2 of 5)

Titterstone Clee

Roadside 10-3-13

number 19 in the ongoing series of roadside photos. So for some daft reason I found myself driving up to the summit of Titterstone Clee on one of the coldest March days for quite a while. In fact I can honestly say it was the coldest I have ever been here in the UK. I don’t think the outside temperature was that cold, yes the puddles on the increasingly dilapidated car park were freezing up, but I think it was the wind chill that caused me to loose feeling in my hands after taking my gloves off to take a couple of photos.

You can’t really see the scale in this photo, taken from the car parking area, but it really much bigger than it looks, much colder too.

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A couple of cows graze on a foggy mid-summers day in South Wales

Roadside 2-6-12

number 18 in the ongoing series of roadside photos, stretching things slightly as technically I was parked up in a field this time, but I was sat in the car so thats good enough for me.

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Roadside 29-1-12

number 17 (Seventeen now!) in the on-going series of roadside photos which at least begins to hint at a possible pattern, that of photographs taken opposite public houses.

A slice of americana seen following a most enjoyable pint of Shrophire ale at the The Pheasant Inn, Britons Lane, Bridgnorth

A slice of Americana viewed following a most enjoyable pint of Shropshire ale at the The Pheasant Inn, Britons Lane, Bridgnorth.

Roadside 16-8-11

number 16 in the ongoing series of roadside photos which serve little discernible point or purpose.

Roadside 16-8-11 - The M42 from Hopwood Services

The M42 as viewed from the rather badly planned out car park at Hopwood Park Services.

Roadside 17-12-10

number 15 in the series of increasingly occasional roadside photos.

Roadside 17-12-10 - Lost somewhere in the Malvern Hills.

After a nightmare of a time negotiating the ‘a week before Christmas’ traffic I made it out of Malvern town and had a nice drive though some snowy winter hills.

Roadside 10-07-10

number 14 in the series of occasional roadside photos.

Roadside 10-07-10 @ The Dog in the Lane, Shropshire

Fields opposite the humourosly titled ‘Dog in the Lane’ in Astley, Shropshire.

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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative