Tag: Photography (Page 2 of 3)

Falling down on the A38

Roadside 23-6-13

bit worried these are getting a bit arty now.
The black and white probably doesn’t help.

Number 21
in the series of occasional roadside photos. This sign is gradually distancing itself from that mile as its slowly falls over, creating an odd perspective as you drive past.

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Roadside 20-4-13

number 20 in the ongoing series of roadside photos. The Kidderminster road has had six months of seeming pointless traffic lights, however while sat in them last month I did manage to take this photo which nearly makes up for the hour or so its cost me so far. #highwaysmywayworcs indeed.

Stuck at traffic lights on the A456

Titterstone Clee

Roadside 10-3-13

number 19 in the ongoing series of roadside photos. So for some daft reason I found myself driving up to the summit of Titterstone Clee on one of the coldest March days for quite a while. In fact I can honestly say it was the coldest I have ever been here in the UK. I don’t think the outside temperature was that cold, yes the puddles on the increasingly dilapidated car park were freezing up, but I think it was the wind chill that caused me to loose feeling in my hands after taking my gloves off to take a couple of photos.

You can’t really see the scale in this photo, taken from the car parking area, but it really much bigger than it looks, much colder too.

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The View from the Office

i‘ve been listening to Bill Drummond on Resonance FM (This show if the link archives) all day today, its still on now in fact. Its been a 12 hour or so running broadcast and one of the best things I’ve heard broadcast on the ‘radio’ for quite sometime. Great that the medium of broadcast voice and music still has places to go. Also great to see a station making a break from the news, weather, presenter, programme, news, weather format.

Anyway I’ve been enjoying it so much I’ve been inventing jobs to keep me near the computer and listening, painted a couple of doors, tidied the place up some and added a new page to the ‘Projects’ section. Projects is too grand a word for most of the things on there but as I’ve been doing this one for over two years now, The View from the Office deserved its own page.

Roadside 29-1-12

number 17 (Seventeen now!) in the on-going series of roadside photos which at least begins to hint at a possible pattern, that of photographs taken opposite public houses.

A slice of americana seen following a most enjoyable pint of Shrophire ale at the The Pheasant Inn, Britons Lane, Bridgnorth

A slice of Americana viewed following a most enjoyable pint of Shropshire ale at the The Pheasant Inn, Britons Lane, Bridgnorth.

Isle of Wight frontages.

enjoyed the varied and unpredictable shopfronts in Sandown, Shanklin and Ryde.

Take a look through them ‘after the jump’ as they say…

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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative