Tag: Music (Page 4 of 6)

i can make an educated guess as to why I ended up with three bulky copies of this months Birmingham Town Hall/Symphony Hall brochure though the post. My address is spelt in slightly different variations on each thick white lumpy envelope, all in uppercase on one, correctly on another and then a mix of uppercase and lowercase on the third. I guess they’ve gathered them up from tickets I’ve bought in various places and added each instance to their list.

I have no idea at all how I ended up on the Monto Water Rats Weekly email Update, I’m not in London that often so its kind of irrelevant to me too, but I don’t like to complain…

I was similarly confused to find a newsletter from Drift Records arriving in my inbox, I’m sure I’ve never signed up for it, In fact I’d never heard of Drift Records at all, though I had heard, and bought, the album by The R. G. Morrison who seems to be one of the guiding forces behind it.

Anyway, there I was, tied to the laptop, toiling away on the hottest saturday of the year when it popped into my inbox. Such was my involvement with the work I was doing at the time, and my intrigue at any label with a record called ‘Finish your chips’ that I was soon off, trawling round the interweb sampling the Drift collective wares. There we’re no samples on the website so it was on to the mildly tedious myspace, it ain’t great when all you can connect to is a 56k phone line, anyway, after listening to a few tracks I was soon headed back to visit the Drift Shop.

The above mentioned ‘Finish your chips’ album by Matt Eaton is very fine indeed. I also really liked the nicely packaged and stylistically varied Thirty Pounds of Bone  ‘The homesick children of migrant mothers’ album. In fact I’m looking forward to the listed forthcoming Mary Hampton album as well.

As soon as I was done it gave me some much needed motivation to get back to work and earn some money to pay for the unplanned shopping excursion. Everyones a winner indeed.

In fact the only bad thing I have to say about the whole thing is that they both cds are without the bands/albums name on them, so I know that at some future point I’m destined to spend many hours trying to remember what they are called and where the cases might be…

Foot tappin’ & Dance at the screamin’ festival…

i‘ve just read of a cheaply priced [what they used to call ‘mid-price’] compilation from one of the DJ’s of the Screamin’ festival, DJ AT[?], its called Foot tappin’ & Dance at the screamin’ festival. The festival itself is celebrating its tenth year, not sure if I’ll be making it this year though, disappointingly.

I noticed it at HMV here in the UK for £5.99 or if you’re located elsewhere, you can buy it direct from El Toro for €10.

No sign of the promised Caroline Casey album as yet though…

Supersonic Festival

looking forward to making my very first Supersonic Festival this year.

Supersonic Festival Flyer


My Nightmare Before Christmas

Minehead Beach
Just back from my second ATP festival of the year, at the new Butlins Minehead site. Nearly turned into my own personal nightmare after one of the wheels on my car decided it had its own agenda and wanted to go separate ways with me and the other three wheels.

A big thank you and recommendation to Longstones Garage, Cannington nr Bridgwater and the ever so helpful Michael, who not only got everything back together in time for my journey home on Monday but also drove me the rest of the way to the festival on Friday.

The festival itself was an interesting affair, new venue [Butlins Minehead – Think a giant motorway services, only with alcohol sold everywhere] and a few teething problems regards the stages and their capacity’s and their wish to create queues everywhere. The largest problem for me was the stages and the fact that they were spread out and the usual ‘pick and mix’ style of viewing a bit of everyone’s set wasn’t really possible. So didn’t see as many bands as usual but the set for the Gang Of Four was really enjoyable, as were The Stooges, shame Mike Watt didn’t get to do a solo set mind, and the MC5/DKT finale was a fine way to end things. Theres some pictures of the Saturday afternoon stroll to find a pub we took, that turned into a 10 mile round trip (You see a sign for ‘The Blue Anchor‘ and you figure its a pub along the coast a little – You’re so wrong) Here.

Tom Russell

great show from songwriter Tom Russell at Birmingham’s Ceol Castle tonight. A really nice, intimate, friendly venue, admittedly located in one of Birmingham’s less attractive areas.

Great show anyway, with fantastic accompaniment on the mandolin by Mikael Martin.

Hes back over in the UK later in the year, check his website for dates.

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E-mail problems/fasterthansound

Fasterthansound - Bentwaters Airbase
had a really interesting evening at Fasterthansound, which formed a part of the Aldeburgh Festival. Was a fantastic locale, Bentwaters Airbase – also the setting for the supposed Russian segments of the channel four reality flop, Space Cadets. It must be said as the sun was setting behind the tall trees, not sure what they’re called, if you can identify them from the photos by all means do email me, it did seem you were far from the UK.

Anyway the line up was great, enjoyed the finale of Mr. Hopkinson’s Computer allot, maybe cause it was the only time there was an audience of any size. In fact the day was only let down slightly by the low attendance, disastrous organisation of the coach from London [‘Catch the Coach at Victoria Coach Station…er, well, actually its in front of a hotel about a half miles away, not sure where it is though. Good luck.’] It could have been a longer evening, or weekend too. Hopefully they’ll have ironed these minor problems out for next years event.

Speaking of problems, its seems I’ve been loosing emails sent via the site or to my post@ address for the last two or three weeks. So if you emailed me during this time, apologies though the technical problems were else where. I’ve redirected the mail for now so please, drop me a line.

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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative