Tag: Links (Page 1 of 4)

Searchers 2.0: Found.

just a very quick note to say the recent-ish Alex Cox film Searchers 2.0 which I’ve been moaning on about being unable to see for quite some time was again shown on the BBC last weekend, once again in the wee small hours.

Luckily I was just shutting things down for the night when I noticed it was due to be on at 01:15 on Monday morning. Que an hour spent wiring up and old video recorder in order to get a couple of hours sleep and be able to enjoy it properly*.

Of course, you can watch it on the iPlayer for 7 days it transpres, so that was an hour wasted. Link page is here.

Still, my efforts of setting up the video at least mean if BBC 2 continue last weekends practice of showing interestng and cult films in the early hours I am now prepared [If can find somewhere that sells blank videos.] Last weekend saw screenings of a Charles Burnett film I’d not seen, a repeat of the always watchable Wise Blood And finaly a heartwarmng tale about a chap of shortened growth who just wanted some time to himself, The Station Agent. I could half identify with the protagonist in that, I should add I’m a little over six foot myself.

Anyway I’ve since come down wth a stinking cold so haven’t watched Searchers 2.0 myself yet. But I’m finaly looking forward to it, all good things and all that.

Meanwhile Mister Cox is soon to be treating us to a visualy restored version of his classic [IMHO] Straight To Hell, another film I first saw on video. I have to say it looks fantastic compared to what I remember of the originals quality…

*If it is in fact illegal to record a flim off of the TV to watch later then it was a ‘friend’ who did this, okay?

Dirty Bristow Summer Fete

coming soon (Saturday the 28th of August to be exact.)

Dirty Bristow Summer Fete Poster

Very exited to be given the opportunity to illustrate a story in the very first issue of the new, no rules, no advertising, magazine Dirty Bristow.

I was exited to get drawing as its been a few months since I did any real ‘artwork’ and as such its great to have a deadline and something to work with. That said, due to some travel problems, remember Eyjafjallajökull?, I lost the best part of a month, that and the fact I was so out of practice combined with a struggle to get a handle on the location of the piece I was illustrating meant that despite spending a fair amount of time on my illustration I wasn’t 100% happy with it at the end. That happens sometimes and often I look back and see I was wrong and everything was just fine, so I’m doubly looking forward to seeing things in print myself. I’m also flattered to be in such good company of some of the writers and illustrators involved.

Anyway the good news is it worked, I was so disgusted with how out of practice I’d become I’ve got several new pieces on the go, so thats a result. Heres some more info on the launch night;

In a display of seasonal awareness to match how Bill Oddie thinks it’s time to watch spring in May, Birmingham City Centre is getting a Summer Fête at the end of August. The Edge in Digbeth will be the venue for Punch & Judy, Splat The Rat, a Tug O’ War, Teddy Bear Bungee, Guess The Weight Of The Cake, and all of the stuff you would expect at a traditional British summer fête — plus music and comedy from some exciting acts.
It’s the launch event for new Brum-based magazine Dirty Bristow The magazine doesn’t carry adverts, in order to give full freedom to the writers and illustrators — and so each issue will hold fundraising events to offset the cost of production. Issue one is packed with literary musings, essays, fiction and art on the theme of ‘birth’, and the only way to guarantee a copy is to come to the fête.

The mayor and vicar of the small fictional hamlet of Dirty Bristow have collected a huge variety of traditional musics, comedy, stalls and games — and have arranged for them to happen:
on Saturday 28th August from 6pm ’til Late
at The Edge in Digbeth
for the tiny tiny fee of £5 — which includes a copy of Dirty Bristow issue one (magazine usually £3.50)
So far confirmed is live music from 8-Bit Ninjas and Glatze and comedy from Tom Lennon and Harry Vale, more acts and attractions are to be announced.

Thats just £5 for a copy of the magazine and whats looks to be a very memorable night outs entertainment, why I spent more than that for a couple of hours parking at the hospital this week and I know where I’d rather be spending my money.

Rare artwork update!


a couple of my older illustrations are currently featured on The Rumpus dot net website. They feature to illustrate a short story titled ‘Exactly Like Liz Phair, Except Older. And With Hypochondria’ by Dan Kennedy.

I told myself she reminded me of Liz Phair, but without the marijuana-steeped tomboy, devil-may-care, laid-back attitude of Liz Phair.

Intrigued? read the complete short story here…

Read the signs…

I got quite excited last week* when I saw a poster on a lamppost. This wasn’t because I’ve been wanting to find out what the ‘thebestof…‘ is in my town, nor was I looking to Earn 20k a year working from home or even because its Adam Schrodenrocks birthday [He’s started to look a tad washed out. Mind, he’s been ’21 Today’ for over a week now, I guess that many 21st Birthdays would wear anyone out] anyway, Happy birthday Ad.

No, the reason was seeing this ‘fly-sign’ for the Band ‘High Voltage’ who we’re playing locally. Unfortunately when I got back to the office and did some googling I found out the band I was thinking of was Heavy Load.
Well, its all electrical to me…

I saw the Heavy Load film a couple of weeks ago as a part of the occasionally excellent BBC Storyville series of documentaries. I only mention it here as I notice its one of the films playing at the Borderlines Film Festival in the Hereford region. I’m pretty sure its on some kind of limited general release too.

I don’t actually know if its the same film as the Storyville doc or a new one entirely, it has a running time of about half hour longer than I remember, but then we were watching post pub, so my judgment of time and space may have been corrupted a little. The documentary I saw was very enjoyable and uplifting, its a hard film to sum up, for me clearly as I’ve been meaning to for two weeks, its basically a ‘typical’ band documentary about a very untypical band who encounter all the typical stages of a band[?]. Very enjoyable, hearwarming and funny. I’d highly recommend it. Nice to see Wreckless Eric in there too.
I may edit this later as that doesn’t really cover everything but at least it gets those links out there…

More details on the band and film can be found at the Heavy Load website.

*actually about three weeks ago which is the time its taken me to get around to finishing this post.

The Dirbombs

My 2008 Minehead Nightmare?

following a couple of eventful previous years which included cars loosing wheels and tumbles down staircases this years All Tomorrows Parties ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ was nicely nightmare free.

Sunset over Butlins Minehead, December 2008

Musically I really enjoyed the sets from The Dirtbombs, Martina Topley Bird and what I saw of the Fantomas set. There are a few photos of the festival, the Dunster by Candlelight festival and some points in between here.

The Red Knob

just completed, a series of promotional cards for The Red Knob sexual health fanzine.

Take heed of Private Dick’s Valentines message…

Private Dick Valentines Postcard Illustration

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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative