umber 20 in the ongoing series of roadside photos. The Kidderminster road has had six months of seeming pointless traffic lights, however while sat in them last month I did manage to take this photo which nearly makes up for the hour or so its cost me so far. #highwaysmywayworcs indeed.
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From the number of spam comments I’ve just had to delete I’ve clearly been letting things slide here so here is a quick catch up…
eres a couple of CDs which arrived in the post last week which I was lucky enough to be asked to illustrate the cover artwork for.
The illustrations been lurking in the portfolio for a while now but the CDs has only just been released. Lovely people to work for and please do go check out their website.

Papas Train CD Artwork
The band is called Papas Train and you can now read and hear more (and buy the CD!) at

umber 19 in the ongoing series of roadside photos. So for some daft reason I found myself driving up to the summit of Titterstone Clee on one of the coldest March days for quite a while. In fact I can honestly say it was the coldest I have ever been here in the UK. I don’t think the outside temperature was that cold, yes the puddles on the increasingly dilapidated car park were freezing up, but I think it was the wind chill that caused me to loose feeling in my hands after taking my gloves off to take a couple of photos.
You can’t really see the scale in this photo, taken from the car parking area, but it really much bigger than it looks, much colder too.
couple of years ago I helped a friend of a friend get a website up and running for his clothing printing business. He offered several times to print something up for me but I couldn’t decide what. Two or so years on and another reminder has lead to this…

Illustration for T-shirt
I’m quite happy with it, I’d probably like to do another draft and tidy up some of the parts I’m not completely happy with but then I always seem to want to do another draft to tidy up a couple of things. I’m looking forward to seeing it on a shirt.
Also last month produced a CD cover illustration but I’m not sure I can talk about that yet so I won’t…
o-one is more surprised than me to walk past the towns carpet shop and see the large poster in their window announcing boldly “6 CARPET FITTING WEEKS TILL XMAS”
But I’ve checked the calendar and they seem to be right so (Christmas commercialist tone switch warning) if you are stuck with that one gift for that one awkward person who seems to have everything how about a paperback copy of “Christmas Movies, Reviewed” from S C Lee. Its available in paperback from the UK and in the US and also as an ebook. The attentive ones amongst you may have recognised that name and may have guessed that yours truly did the cover for this, and you’d be right too.
Its not the kind of subject matter I generally tend to be asked to do, well apart from the odd Christmas card, oh and those festive cards for The Red Knob a few years back, so it was a pleasure to get to have a go at something like this and to have it turn out quite well.
As ever you can read more about the book on the S C Lee online website.
never did finish a write up for last years Supersonic festival in Birmingham and with this years, the 10th anniversary/birthday no less, just a few weeks away I should at least put up some photos from the 2011 weekend.
For the record high points for me* were the double bill performance of Pharaoh Overlord/Circle over two nights and seeing (and meeting) Mike Watt on the Friday night who was everything you’d want Mike Watt to be.
I will miss our ‘time out’ for a pint in the The Old Wharf this year though, even if the writing was clearly on the wall there last year its a shame to see it gone. Changes this year to our plans? Well I’m thiking of going vegetarian for our pre festival curry as, while I enjoyed the food there iteself the meat was… well… And of course a post festival pint of Guinness in The Kerryman is a must, was nice to see a couple more festival goers wander into the early hours madness there last year as to me, like any great festival, Supersonic isn’t just about the music*** and the art its about the environment around too.
Read more about Supersonic Festival (And buy tickets and records) Here.
*I should also add a big thank you to the volunteers and the bar staff who I believe were also all or mostly volunteers last year, it made for a great friendly environment and watching a young lady shocked at the bargain end of night £1 a pint real ale sell off** impulse buy nine pints that she didn’t then know what to do with was quite priceless.
**Me and my drinking colleague also found a packet of monster munch on the bar at this point. We left it along for the best part of half and hour but that was as long as we could wait. If this was your packet of Monster Munch please allow me to apologise here and now.
***The music is usually pretty awesome mind.
Take a look at the photos below the jump…
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