Category: Web Design (Page 1 of 4)

Blas-TT from the past

So I ordered an ‘easy to use’* phone a few weeks ago from an online retailer.

I didn’t really pay much attention beyond the features and the reviews. On its arrival I switched it on to be greeted by a logo that looked familiar.

It seems I designed the logo for the company behind the phone that I’d just bought around 2006/07. While the company has rebranded slightly, from TT Sims to TT fone, they kept kept the sim card design created as a part of their original website way back then.

TTfone Star TT300

(I should add whoever converted is has squished it down and lost the slight bevel, call me biased but I’d say it looked better with those 🙂 )

Not the most exciting post perhaps but when you do work for the web there isn’t much that stays around all that long let alone ten years or more so, even though this isn’t perhaps my finest design moment, it was great to see all the same… Though I now also feel quite old.

TT Sims website circa 2007

*Not for myself I am now fully smartphone equipped, though admittedly it did take me quite a while to come around to them.

New Website

While I’ve had the domain for about five years now, and been working solely under that banner for over three, it took me until last month to get a new, wholly work based website up and online.

I saw a local website design company employ a third party to build their site about a year ago and admit I kind of scoffed at it at the time. Given the time its taken me to get to this stage, perhaps that might in fact not have been a completely bad idea after all.

The combination of wanting to get things completely and absolutely right along with regular interruptions from more urgent (and paid) work and also the fact I wanted to cover both the Illustration side of the work I do, and the Website Design side while also outlining some of the other creative services and solutions projects have called upon in a way that, hopefully, makes sense and is easy to navigate.

Website Design Services

Graphic Design Services

Comic Strip Illustration

Poster and Website Banner Design

Comic Book/Graphic Novel Artwork

It is a relatively simple and straightforward site at this stage, with several featured projects on the home page and pages detailing the illustration and web work I do – Do please take a look at the all new Hathway Creative website.

Hathway Creative Logo

The Long Ryders dot com

I‘ve spent a good portion of the past month over at Hathway Creative working on a new website to support the release of the career spanning four CD box set of the band The Long Ryders, which was released last month by Cherry Red Records.

Its been an enjoyable and pretty wide encompassing project and my work has included the creation and launch of a new website, product photography of the set, some work promoting the site and set on social media and also I’ve had a part in designing some videos. Its been good fun too and its always interesting working on a project in a new area. In working on this I think I’ve mostly learned more than I would have liked on the convoluted and somewhat messy issues of music licensing and YouTube and Facebook.

Take a look at the new website at which will also tell you all you might need to know on the Final Wild Songs box set.

And check out one of the videos here…

The Long Ryders will be touring Europe and the USA later in the year.

Mengage – Illustrations and Website

It was great to be asked to work with a previous client on on the set up of a brand new project.

Mengage is a UK-based not-for-profit company working with males on health and social issues, providing resources, training, consultancy and practical research-based solutions from both national and international practice, backed by years of experience of practical work with men and boys.

Mengage website illustrationI contributed both the website, logo and some illustrations to the project. The illustrations were produced both to be used on the website itself and in a number of print publications.

I’ve wanted to have the opportunity of placing some illustrations within a website layout for some time, stock images are fine but they can sometimes feel, and be, a little generic and forgettable. I think where the illustrations appear within the new website they do help to give the project and a little more depth and a more unique visual identity. The logo was also produced as a metal badge, cut to shape to help with promotion and identity, it came out really well.

Anyway, click here to visit Mengage, If you are putting a project together, do consider illustration along side stock photography, I may well be biased but I think its an underused option.

Mengage Website Screenshot

Sex In Gloucester…

“is a new website for people in Gloucestershire – or who may be visiting Gloucestershire, in search of sex” to quote the tag line.

I helped to create the website on this one as well as illustrating the characters of ‘the Doc’ and ‘PC Plod’. The sites name, and so the rather salacious post title, are best explained on the Sex In Glos website itself;

If you’re involved in any of the following – dogging, swinging, working as a sex worker, you’re a sex worker’s client, or if you’re a man looking for sex with other men – especially sex in public places, then this website is for you!

Sex may be fun – but hey it’s not without its dangers! Assaults on sex workers and people who have sex in public places are not uncommon, and there are also those cursed STIs. Whether it’s a warning about ‘dodgy’ punters, or a Syphilis outbreak, you’ll find news, views and alerts about how to avoid the pitfalls, and how to get help if you don’t.

Visit Sex In Glocester here – Site no longer online.

The Doc ~ Sex In Glos

I’m now going to sit back and worry about what kind of spam this post will lead to.


nope, not a site update, just updated to the latest version of the site software.

I didn’t like the new style admin of version 2.5 so after installing it I spent about three hours rolling my site back. however you can’t fight progress and luckily the admin has changed again, and while I’m not sure if I prefer it to how things use to be, I’ll just have to get on with it.

At least the site still seems to be here so thats all good…

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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative