Category: Site News (Page 1 of 4)

Yet another social network…

i quite like photo bloging, see The view from the office, but at the same time I really couldn’t face another social network and I enjoy doing it anonymously* or at least without much thought beyond the photos themselves.

I signed up for Instagram a while back, admittedly under my own name, I didn’t use it much but would upload the occasional image I’d taken that I liked or that marked something specific. I didn’t post any descriptions or tags, just liked having a photoblog I didn’t have to think about. I also enjoyed the additional task of making a square composition (I’m now one of those who thinks the fact that you can now add non square images just isn’t cricket).

However I’d forgotten that sometime ago it was bought by facebook and while I had chosen not to link the two recently it seems facebook looked at my telephone number for both accounts, put two and two together, and showed everyone I know where I am.

I’m still resolutely not adding twenty hashtags to each and every post so I refuse to fully play their game but yes, I’m coming out! I am on instagram (very occasionally) too! Find me @chrishathway.

So to start heres a photo from Brimham Rocks, which were resolutely more impressive and enjoyable than the National Trust website suggested – if you are in the area, do go check them out

Brimham Rocks via Instagram

(I should warn any potential visitors you its £7 on the car park and theres no change machine. Or you could just risk it…)

*I can’t tell you about my other photo blogs well, because.

New Website

While I’ve had the domain for about five years now, and been working solely under that banner for over three, it took me until last month to get a new, wholly work based website up and online.

I saw a local website design company employ a third party to build their site about a year ago and admit I kind of scoffed at it at the time. Given the time its taken me to get to this stage, perhaps that might in fact not have been a completely bad idea after all.

The combination of wanting to get things completely and absolutely right along with regular interruptions from more urgent (and paid) work and also the fact I wanted to cover both the Illustration side of the work I do, and the Website Design side while also outlining some of the other creative services and solutions projects have called upon in a way that, hopefully, makes sense and is easy to navigate.

Website Design Services

Graphic Design Services

Comic Strip Illustration

Poster and Website Banner Design

Comic Book/Graphic Novel Artwork

It is a relatively simple and straightforward site at this stage, with several featured projects on the home page and pages detailing the illustration and web work I do – Do please take a look at the all new Hathway Creative website.

Hathway Creative Logo

The Waiting Room

i‘ve spent a fair bit of time waiting in various doctors and hospital waiting rooms over the past six months so it was easy to get into the mood of this new cover illustration for S. C. Lees short story ‘The Waiting Room.’

The Waiting Room - Book cover Illustration

Find out more about the short story at the authors website* or buy the story direct from Amazon.

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Merry Christmas Redux

Merry Christmas

In lieu of a new piece I’ll re use this one from 2007 and hope nobody notices. Been a hectic year with one thing and another. Aiming for more artwork related type updates and jobs next year!

Merry Christmas one and all.


nope, not a site update, just updated to the latest version of the site software.

I didn’t like the new style admin of version 2.5 so after installing it I spent about three hours rolling my site back. however you can’t fight progress and luckily the admin has changed again, and while I’m not sure if I prefer it to how things use to be, I’ll just have to get on with it.

At least the site still seems to be here so thats all good…

New artwork soon…

Suicide Hill, 10x7 ink and gouache, 1999.


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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative