Author: Chris (Page 6 of 31)

Book cover illustration

recently I completed this for an upcoming book title. The books currently in limbo so I’ve been given the okay to post the artwork prior to its release, I won’t give away the title just in case. Anyway, here it is…

Book Cover Illustration

More artwork related posts soon I hope.

The View from the Office

i‘ve been listening to Bill Drummond on Resonance FM (This show if the link archives) all day today, its still on now in fact. Its been a 12 hour or so running broadcast and one of the best things I’ve heard broadcast on the ‘radio’ for quite sometime. Great that the medium of broadcast voice and music still has places to go. Also great to see a station making a break from the news, weather, presenter, programme, news, weather format.

Anyway I’ve been enjoying it so much I’ve been inventing jobs to keep me near the computer and listening, painted a couple of doors, tidied the place up some and added a new page to the ‘Projects’ section. Projects is too grand a word for most of the things on there but as I’ve been doing this one for over two years now, The View from the Office deserved its own page.

A couple of cows graze on a foggy mid-summers day in South Wales

Roadside 2-6-12

number 18 in the ongoing series of roadside photos, stretching things slightly as technically I was parked up in a field this time, but I was sat in the car so thats good enough for me.

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In C

last night I was listening Tom Ravenscroft on BBC6 radio and the following happend. It was most enjoyable.

In C on BBC6 music.

Looking for Moccas

i‘ve just spent a very enjoyable evening driving the moonlit backroads and highways of Herefordshire.

It wasn’t exactly the evening I had planned, ‘BAFTA Presents: Bruce Robinson in Conversation with Francine Stock’, which was a part of the Borderlines Film Festival, was the planned entertainment for the evening.

I’d printed out some directions from google and also had had a look online. I don’t have any of this modern sat-nav type technology and my phone is too archaic for the internet but with a map and a couple of AtoZ’s in the car I tend to get on just fine, we live in a country thats pretty good on signposts as it goes.  I’d picked a route taking me through Leominster as it looked the simplest way to get to the venue whilst bypassing the Worcester to Hereford road and the ring road of Hereford. I thought this would be a simpler journey. Well, my plan went fine, the clouds looked a little biblical as I approached Tenbury, seeing signs mentioning the bridge through the town was still closed, I’d passed it the day before it was closed off in January so I really should’ve thought of this. Luckily it was the road after I needed.

Things did start to go wrong just after my directions read ‘Continue on to…’

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Roadside 29-1-12

number 17 (Seventeen now!) in the on-going series of roadside photos which at least begins to hint at a possible pattern, that of photographs taken opposite public houses.

A slice of americana seen following a most enjoyable pint of Shrophire ale at the The Pheasant Inn, Britons Lane, Bridgnorth

A slice of Americana viewed following a most enjoyable pint of Shropshire ale at the The Pheasant Inn, Britons Lane, Bridgnorth.

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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative