Author: Chris (Page 20 of 31)


a couple of events coming up at the Electric Cinema in Birmingham. Must admit I haven’t been there for ages but good to read they’re still keeping up with the novelty events and interesting programing…

Friday 18 April, 8.30 at the Electric
Jaws screening with 22-piece orchestra and pina coladas.
26/27 April at the Electric in Birmingham
The QT/RR doublebill complete with trailers.

Roadside 02-04-08

number three in the increasingly random series of roadside photos.

I was at the post office today, and whist endlessly queuing and pondering whether Kangaroos really cannot walk down stairs I was surprised to find myself surrounded on every work surface and shelf by…

Could they be the next villain in the increasingly farcically comedic Doctor Who?

Still, it’ll give the local paper something to write about I suppose.

Pets Bazzaar

Breck Road, Liverpool.

I wonder if its still there…

Based on a drawing from a photo I took and then lost. I never went inside of ‘Pets Bazzaar’…

Pets Bazzaare, Breck Road, Liverpool 5 Ink & Watercolour

I’m not completely happy with either the colouring on this or the photo of it. I either need to invest in a A3 size scanner, or start working smaller.


3.27 a.m.

last nights wind and rain woke me up, which at least gave me the title for this. Now added to the artwork portfolio…

3.27 a.m. Ink & digital colour illustration

Roadside 13-02-08

number two in the occasional series of roadside photos. I’ll either get bored with this once the weather changes or I won’t…

Roadside 13-02-08

Foot tappin’ & Dance at the screamin’ festival…

i‘ve just read of a cheaply priced [what they used to call ‘mid-price’] compilation from one of the DJ’s of the Screamin’ festival, DJ AT[?], its called Foot tappin’ & Dance at the screamin’ festival. The festival itself is celebrating its tenth year, not sure if I’ll be making it this year though, disappointingly.

I noticed it at HMV here in the UK for £5.99 or if you’re located elsewhere, you can buy it direct from El Toro for €10.

No sign of the promised Caroline Casey album as yet though…

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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative