Author: Chris (Page 17 of 31)

The Dirbombs

My 2008 Minehead Nightmare?

following a couple of eventful previous years which included cars loosing wheels and tumbles down staircases this years All Tomorrows Parties ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ was nicely nightmare free.

Sunset over Butlins Minehead, December 2008

Musically I really enjoyed the sets from The Dirtbombs, Martina Topley Bird and what I saw of the Fantomas set. There are a few photos of the festival, the Dunster by Candlelight festival and some points in between here.

Monkey Jazz?

wow. Fantastic editing in this video*.

*Site no longer live. I should probably just delete this post but…

Chocolate Masala Curry?

not sure if this is an attempt to get some free PR [seems to have failed if so as there’s no mention in the local rags] or else a genuine culinary innovation.
the decision(dramatic pause), is yours…

Chocolate Masala Curry?

Oh, and don’t forget to change your clocks one way or the other tonight, hey, theres a 50/50 you’ll get it right so I don’t see why I should help. 

It’ll be nice, and so much safer, to be traveling home in the dark next week!

yesterday in Cwmbran, Wales. Second warehouse next to Lidls apparently.

(I would have got a better photo but there was a sudden rush of traffic for the sainsburys petrol station and the Cwmbran walkers society also decided to made an impromptu appearance.)

Danger: Diabolik!

I saw some screenshots several years ago from the film Danger: Diabolik!, they we’re so fantastic and, well, odd, that I had to track the film down. I picked up a cheap copy in the US a year or so ago – the guy selling it me said he had no idea what the film was but seeing the shots on the back he too now wanted to see it – and while the plot and pacing are indeed pretty rubbish, the cinematography, set design and soundtrack are all top notch.

Danger: Diabolik!

I like the effort Fiat have put into their limited edition Fiat 500 Diabolik. I’ve always wanted a matt black car.

I believe that brandy’s mine…

I was going to title this post ‘abundance of arseholes’ but I think I’d regret it in the morning and I really don’t think it is representative of the post as a whole and is possibly due to my stressed state of late. I do like the title though, I’ll have to find something to use it for…

Interesting gig at Space 2 in the custard factory tonight. The first gig I’ve been to there outside of Supersonic.

It was the Amanda Palmer gig, a part of the ‘Who killed Amanda Palmer‘ tour. I have to say I’m really glad I caught the pre tour show in London after tonight. The venue sound was pretty much awful throughout, on quiet songs there was low end hum all the time, and if you were any more then three rows back all you could hear was chatter – though I couldn’t see people taking anywhere – from the bar area. Then the heaters – over the stage and very very noisy* Odd. It made it very hard to get involved in the music, mostly it just made me grateful I’d caught the ICA show.

*this is not just because I got shortchanged at the bar, again – I was sober I really should pay more attention to what change trainee bar staff deliver. It is most probably a coincidence that the last three gigs I have been to here someone in my group has been shortchanged…

The all the acts were great though, Jason Webley and Zoe Keating and also someone I missed, who was in the toilets all night arranging his postcards, and Amanda was great, even with a broken foot. Jason Webley reminded me of a specific period of Tom Waits, so much so that I kept expecting one song to break into ‘Strangers, Talk only about the weather,’ but there was more than that too, it was great. I enjoyed Zoe Keatings set too, though it wasn’t the best environment with lots of people chatting or at least the sound of that – was there a ‘the sound of people at gigs talking’ CD on the PA? – It reminded me of some of the US Warren Zevon bootlegs I have – but this is the UK, we don’t talk over musicians we’ve paid to see here, do we?

All in all I’d say buy Who killed Amanda Palmer, its a great album, and do catch the tour if you can, but to whoever put this gig on at space 2, what about the Town Hall. It seems a woefully underused venue since its been re-opened, and it would have been preferable in both character and professionalism from tonights experience…

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