Author: Chris (Page 16 of 31)

Read the signs…

I got quite excited last week* when I saw a poster on a lamppost. This wasn’t because I’ve been wanting to find out what the ‘thebestof…‘ is in my town, nor was I looking to Earn 20k a year working from home or even because its Adam Schrodenrocks birthday [He’s started to look a tad washed out. Mind, he’s been ’21 Today’ for over a week now, I guess that many 21st Birthdays would wear anyone out] anyway, Happy birthday Ad.

No, the reason was seeing this ‘fly-sign’ for the Band ‘High Voltage’ who we’re playing locally. Unfortunately when I got back to the office and did some googling I found out the band I was thinking of was Heavy Load.
Well, its all electrical to me…

I saw the Heavy Load film a couple of weeks ago as a part of the occasionally excellent BBC Storyville series of documentaries. I only mention it here as I notice its one of the films playing at the Borderlines Film Festival in the Hereford region. I’m pretty sure its on some kind of limited general release too.

I don’t actually know if its the same film as the Storyville doc or a new one entirely, it has a running time of about half hour longer than I remember, but then we were watching post pub, so my judgment of time and space may have been corrupted a little. The documentary I saw was very enjoyable and uplifting, its a hard film to sum up, for me clearly as I’ve been meaning to for two weeks, its basically a ‘typical’ band documentary about a very untypical band who encounter all the typical stages of a band[?]. Very enjoyable, hearwarming and funny. I’d highly recommend it. Nice to see Wreckless Eric in there too.
I may edit this later as that doesn’t really cover everything but at least it gets those links out there…

More details on the band and film can be found at the Heavy Load website.

*actually about three weeks ago which is the time its taken me to get around to finishing this post.


nope, not a site update, just updated to the latest version of the site software.

I didn’t like the new style admin of version 2.5 so after installing it I spent about three hours rolling my site back. however you can’t fight progress and luckily the admin has changed again, and while I’m not sure if I prefer it to how things use to be, I’ll just have to get on with it.

At least the site still seems to be here so thats all good…

Roadside 15-01-09

number five in the series of roadside photos, now in close-encounters-o-vision!

B4088 on a cold January night

Going Nowhere.

A flat tyre

Donald E. Westlake RIP

i was very sad to read about the passing of Donald E Westlake over the Christmas period. I only came across the news today on a blog whilst looking for a link to the Secret Agent X-9 radio show I was listening to.

I’m not sure what was the first book I read by Donald Westlake, it was maybe Kahawa, a comedic tale of mercenaries, coffee smuggling and Idi Amin or possibly it was The Mercenaries a gangster tale set in 1970’s New York. Which ever it was, it got me started at the local libraries reading whatever other books they had [this was before the Internet and such things]. I guess then I stumbled on to the Richard Stark alias and started reading the Parker books. I still remember excitedly finding a copy of The Split In Toxteth library and wondering if my card was okay for it. It was, and the book was great. Even when I was tracking them down and reading them in the early 90’s they still were streets ahead of anything else in the crime genre some 30 years after publication.

The later novels from the original 16 Parker stories we’re pretty scarce, still are in fact. Various publishers have started to reprint the series but all seem to have stopped short of the last couple of books. I only found a copy of the 15th book myself a couple of years back in a local second hand book shop. It was priced so low compared to what I’ve seen copies sell for on the Internet that I bought it and about four other books just to alleviate any guilt.

Parker came back in the late nineties after a twenty year absence, It was a little odd as he would have to be about 65 by now and perhaps a little old for throwing people down stairs and kicking windshields out of crashed cars. But in much the same style as Robert B. Parkers Spenser, Parkers aging was glossed over. It was certainly good to have him back and whilst some of the ‘poetry’ of the original era was gone the stories were enjoyable all the same.

Theres a site online that lists the first lines of all the Parker novels, First Lines to Richard Stark’s Parker Books, these probably give the most accurate idea of what they and the character are all about. I think these are my favorite three…

From The Hunter (1962)

When a fresh-faced guy in a Chevy offered him a lift, Parker told him to go to hell.

The Rare Coin Score (1967)

Parker spent two weeks on the white sand beach at Biloxi, and on a white sandy bitch named Belle, but he was restless, and one day without thinking about it he checked out and sent a forwarding address to Handy McKay and moved on to New Orleans.

Butcher’s Moon (1974)

Running toward the light, Parker fired twice over his left shoulder, not caring whether he hit anything or not.

Oh, AND one more for good luck

Firebreak (2001)

When the phone rang, Parker was in the garage, killing a man.

Parker is usually described as ruthless, brutal and unflinching. One thing the synopses often leave out is the humor thats often found in the books, often arising from Parkers simple frustration at things that get in the way of what he wants to do, or the people he as to work with. Hes disgusted at the map supplied to him by ‘The Outfit’ as it has features wavy lines in the sea and illustrations of mountain with snow on the top… “He’d asked for a map and they’d given him a souvenir.”

Westlake wrote many many other novels, under quite a few different names. The ‘Sam Holt’ series about a successful TV actor who has become so well known as the TV detective he once played that he cant get any other work, Published as Sam Holt writing about Sam Holt, luckily the occasional murder turns up to keep him busy. There was also the Tucker Coe stories, a short series about a man driven to the edge of his own sanity and trying to hold on in whatever way he can, much bleaker than anything in any of the Parker books. He also wrote the very funny Dortmunder books, under his own name, about pessimistic New York Burglar John Archibald Dortmunder, apparently he was spawned from a Parker novel that became too comedic.

Along with these there are probably a hundred or so other novels, and of all the ones I’ve read I can’t say I’ve read a bad one.

I ordered the latest Parker novel, Dirty Money, last friday, with a Christmas book token. I didn’t realise at the time that I was buying what was likely to be the last Parker Novel. I’m sorry I wont get to read too many more new Donald westlake novels but I’m sure I’ll be reading the ones I’ve read again in the future.

Visit the Donald E Westlake website, a surprisingly good site for someone who ‘resisted’ computers and wrote all his books on a typewriter, also there is the New York Times obituary, and some more detail on the Parker books and films here.

i was reading a blog today about Swiss Toni’s Shuffleathon. I must make an effort to get involved next year, and if I write this here it will probably remind me.

Any excuse to force my obscure musical collection on new ears. My only concern would be having to be polite should I be the recipient of a mix featuring Manic Street Preachers and Oasis, or more likely worrying that I might be offending someone who’d gone to the effort to send me a CD. I’m sure it would be a character building experience and exercises in diplomacy can be no bad thing… Bring it on.

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All images and artwork copyright ©1998 - 2025 chris hathway, illustrator& Hathway/Creative